Facilities Management Health and Safety Pack

Facilities Management Health and Safety Pack

£419.00 + VAT

This Complete Safety Package includes a Health and Safety Policy, Risk Assessments, Method Statement, a Contractors CDM 2015 Compliance Kit and optional First Aid Kit, Fire Notice and COSHH Software

First Aid Kit

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COSHH Assessment software

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Fire Notice

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If you need help with your purchase or have any questions call our consultant on 0123 747 7931

Facilities Management Health & Safety Pack - Description

This Complete Health and Safety Pack has been specifically designed to help Facilities Managers within the construction industry comply with their statutory duties under UK Health and Safety Legislation.

When used correctly the Health and Safety Pack can provide Facilities Managers with the basis of a complete site safety management system which can help to ensure that sites are managed and operated efficiently and safely.

The Facilities Management Health and Safety Pack is a comprehensive safety solution that provides organisations with all the necessary tools they need to comply with current Health and Safety requirements.

The following documents are included in this Complete Safety Package, and they are supplied in a PDF which is sent to you electronically:

  • Detailed Health and Safety Policy and Procedures Manual specific to the construction industry and containing a general policy statement, bespoke and customised Health and Safety Procedures Manual written specifically for your company, documented health and safety arrangements and twenty detailed health and safety procedures for common activities.
  • A copy of the Contractors CDM Compliance Kit which contains an overview of the CDM Regulations, a Contractors audit sheet and checklist, a comprehensive Construction Phase Plan template for notifiable works, sub-contractor and designer competence and resource assessments and procedures for risk management, safety inspections and the control of contractors.
  • Over 40 completed generic Risk Assessments and a Method Statement Template and Policy
  • Contractors Start-Up Procedures
  • A detailed Site Safety Induction Training Package
  • A wide selection of misc. forms and procedures
  • First Aid Notice
  • A full Permit to Work and Hot Works Permit System and Procedures

You will also receive a HSE Health and Safety Law Poster, a plastic coated A3 COSHH Poster, an Accident Book and a First Aid Poster (A4 size) as part of the package.

Our price also includes ongoing phone and email support in the use and application of your complete facilities management health safety package.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 kg
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