Designers CDM 2015 Compliance Kit

Designers CDM 2015 Compliance Kit

£369.00 + VAT

This CDM Compliance Kit has been specifically prepared to assist those in the role of a Principal Contractor or a Principal Designer under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. The Designers CDM Compliance Kit will be provided to you electronically as a PDF.

Cost for Multiple Licences

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If you need help with your purchase or have any questions call our consultant on 0123 747 7931

The Designers CDM Compliance Kit has been prepared to assist both Principal Designers and Designers (such as Architects, Engineers, Technicians, Specifiers, Surveyors etc.) in fulfilling their duties under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations.

The Designers CDM Compliance Kit helps to assist and prompt both Principal Designers and Designers to:

  • Manage the CDM process from concept/feasibility through detailed design and the tender stage as well as the construction and eventual handover of the structure/facility
  • Provides tools to help ensure that clients are made fully aware of their respective duties under CDM 2015
  • Give due regard to health and safety throughout the design process through the application of the principles or prevention and protection
  • Provide useable information about the health and safety risks, and hazards associated with their designs t those who may need it
  • Provide a full audit trail to help demonstrate to others, and to help manage your own design work as a designer or the entire preconstruction phase when operating as a Principal Designer under CDM 2015
  • Cooperate with the Client, Principal Designer and other Designers
  • Includes a fully integrated Design Risk Assessment module for producing and recording project specific Risk Assessments
  • Carry out checks and assessments of other Duty Holders including Designers, Principal Contractors and Contractors
  • Produce CDM Design Safety Reviews and Design Safety Statements
  • Collate PreConstruction Information from the Client and other Designers
  • Prepare detailed PreConstruction Information Packs

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have made various statements about designers and the lack of understanding and appreciation of the role they should play in the management and control of health and safety under CDM. The hope is that CDM 2015 will help to overcome such issues and with the assistance of the Designers CDM Compliance Kit, designers can produce quality, meaningful CDM documentation whilst also gaining a thorough understanding of the requirements placed upon them under the revised CDM 2015 Regulations.

The Designers CDM Compliance Kit can help designers to not only understand their CDM role and duties, but also demonstrate how they have complied with the CDM regulations whilst providing standard documents and templates to assist not only with CDM but also with the entire design safety process.

All the information is supplied in a PDF that will be sent to you electronically. This means that you will have instant access to your Contractors CDM Compliance Kit, and you will be able to refer to it whenever you need to so you are not restricted to using your kit for just one project.

The Designers CDM Compliance Kit Key Features include:

  • Easy to use graphical interface which requires no special training or knowledge
  • Produces full CDM 2015 audit trail of actions taken and provides prompts for the user throughout each stage of the project
  • Comprehensive automated Risk Assessment module
  • Manage multiple projects at once
  • Includes wide selection of customisable CDM 2015 documents and templates to assist designers
  • Automated Risk Assessment Scoring System with detailed hazards checklist
  • Project information is divided into convenient project stages
  • Powerful search and find capabilities
  • Fully computerised and comprehensive solution to managing the CDM 2015 design process
  • Fully compliant with the CDM Regulations 2015 and the associated HSE guidance

System requirements:

  • Windows 10 or higher
  • Microsoft access (application installed)

At no added cost, we also provide ongoing phone and email support in the use and application of your Contractors CDM Compliance Kit.

Additional information

Weight 0.08 kg
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