Bespoke Construction Health and Safety Policy and Procedures

Bespoke Construction Health and Safety Policy and Procedures

£250.00 + VAT

Health and Safety Policy and Procedures Manual for Builders, Contractors and other Construction based organisations. This Health and Safety Policy is for all organisations working in the construction industry who need a professional health and safety policy. Unlike others, this health and safety policy is a specific health and safety policy for builders and contractors. The ultimate Health and Safety Policy for builders and contractors and fully updated for CDM 2015; Control of Asbestos Regulation 2012 and RIDDOR 2013


If you need help with your purchase or have any questions call our consultant on 0123 747 7931

Construction Health and Safety Policy and Procedures Manual

Completely revised and updated for CDM 2015, Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and RIDDOR 2013!

The Construction Health and Safety Policy & Procedures Manual has been designed specifically to meet the health and safety policy requirements of Contractors, Builders and others, who work within the Construction and Building industry. It provides a professional health and safety policy document which can both help improve health and safety standards within your company and also demonstrate your Safety Policy to potential clients by helping to demonstrate that you are a professional and competent contractor with adequate Health and Safety Policy's and Arrangements in place.

All of our Health and Safety Policy and procedures Manuals are constantly revised and updated, so you can be certain that the contents of the Health and Safety Policy are always relevant. Our Health and Safety Policy is also customised and tailored specifically to your company, with your company name; your company logo; names of responsible persons and the contents of the health and safety policy tailored to the works that you do. Our Health and Safety Policy and Procedure Manuals are also often used by companies seeking CHAS; SafeContractor; ConstructioLine; SMAS; Exor or other SSIP Accreditations as the content of the Health and Safety Policy provides you with the health and safety policy; safety arrangements and organisation needed for you to demonstrate how you manage your health and safety responsibilities and implement your companies safety policy.

The Construction Health and Safety Policy and Procedures Manual is suitable for a wide range of trades and professions working within the Construction industry and Building trades, including:

  • Builders
  • Contractors
  • Painters and Decorators
  • Plumbers
  • Plasterers
  • Brickwork contractors
  • Civil Engineering companies
  • Plant hire companies
  • Drainage contractors
  • Sign erection companies
  • Building Maintenance Companies
  • Carpenters and joiners
  • Fencing Contractors
  • Shopfitters
  • and many more.

In fact this Health and Safety Policy and Procedures Manual is a must for any organisation working in the UK Building and Construction industry.  The Health and Safety Policy been professionally prepared by Chartered Health and Safety Consultants and Chartered Construction Professionals to ensure that our Health and Safety Policy is the most comprehensive and up-to-date Health and Safety Policy available to purchase on the market.  So if you are looking for a health and safety policy to demonstrate your organisations competence, as well as comply with its health and safety requirements, call us now for more information on our Award Winning services and our safety policy manuals.  Don't be fooled by buying cheap Health and Safety Policy Documents from internet only companies, as you will get what you pay for and from our experience this is likely to include out of date material! and often straight rejection by clients or organisations that review your health and safety policy and procedures manual.

If you have any queries about our health and safety policy manuals, call us today, our phone lines are manned throughout the working day, whilst out of hours calls can also be arranged where necessary.  Call us today and try out our award winning service for yourself, whilst securing a professionally prepared Health and Safety Policy and Procedures Manual for your company.

All of our Health and Safety policy's are industry specific, so don't purchase an off-the-shelf policy that is suitable for use in any industry, as it will not address all of the issues that organisations working in the construction industry experience on a daily basis.  To find out more about what makes our Health and Safety Policy document the No. 1 choice for those in the construction industry, call us today on 01237 477931 and talk to a Professional Chartered Construction Safety Advisor.

Legally, all companies who employ 5 or more people must have a written Health and Safety Policy that has been written specifically for their activities.  Our Construction Health and Safety Policy and Procedures package has been prepared to address this requirement, though smaller companies can also benefit from our safety policy to help demonstrate their Health and Safety competence and arrangements to potential clients.

The Construction Health and Safety Policy & Procedures package will not only help to ensure that you are legally compliant, but it will help you to manage health and safety on site; pre-qualify for new contracts; get onto new tender lists; win larger more profitable contracts; potentially lower your insurance premiums and demonstrate to your clients that you have a positive and professional approach with regards to Health and Safety.

The Construction Health and Safety Policy & Procedures is a bespoke policy supplied as the finished policy in PDF Format, it is an extremely comprehensive document with over 150 pages of information, policy's and procedures covering 9 sections.  The contents of the Health and safety Policy are as follows, though this may change according to the specific nature of your works and company structure etc:

Health and Safety Policy Manual Contents

Section 1 - General Statement of Health & Safety Policy

Section 2 - Organisation & Responsibilities

Organisation & Implementation of the Policy


Contracts Manager
Office Staff
Design Engineer
Works supervisor
Employees (including labour only contractors)
Health and Safety Consultants
Safety Committee

Section 3 - General Arrangements & Requirements

Tendering and Planning
Protection of the Public
Monitoring Policy
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Company Offices
Site Offices
Fire Precautions
Emergency Procedures
Accident Reporting
Accident Reporting Procedures
Welfare & First Aid
Communal Areas
The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)  Regulations 1992
Health and Safety Signs
Young Persons
Work Equipment
Management of Health and safety at Work
Control of Noise
Health Hazards
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Hazard Warning symbols
Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Safety Helmets
Manual Handling and Lifting
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
Electrical Risks
Control of Vibration at Work
Working at Height Regulations 2005
Step Ladders
Lone Working
Violence and Harassment
Health Surveillance

Section 4 - Safety Procedures

Site Tidiness
Step-Ladders, Trestles & Staging
Lifting Operations
Lifting Gear
Roof Work
Electrical Power Tools
Compressed Air Power Tools
Abrasive Wheels
Entry into Confined Spaces
Highly Flammable Liquids (HFL's)
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
General Welding & Cutting Operations
Electric Arc Welding
Gas Welding
Mobile Access Equipment
Cartridge Operated Fixing Tools

Section 5 - Method Statement Requirements and Pro forma

Section 6 - Permit to Work Procedures & Pro forma

Section 7 - Risk Assessment Policy

Section 8 - An Overview of the CDM 2015 Regulations

Section 9 -  Contractors (Health, Safety & Welfare) Start-up Procedures

Appendix A  Miscellaneous Forms

CDM Inspection Report
DSE Assessment Form
PPE Issue Record
Employee Safety Training Record
Manual Handling Operations Risk Assessment Checklist
Health Surveillance Record

Appendix B

Glossary of Safety Terms
Key Health and Safety Acts and Regulations

Our price includes ongoing telephone and email support in the use and application of your Health and Safety Policy

Our Health and Safety Policy is a must for any company working in the Construction industry.

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