Ten Tips For Manual Handling

Ten Tips For Manual Handling

Many of us will encounter manual handling activities in the workplace whether it's lifting a box in the store room or transporting a delivery of goods, so that puts a lot of people at risk of a manual handling injury such as musculoskeletal disorder. In fact, manual...

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How Can Employers Reduce Stress At Work?

How Can Employers Reduce Stress At Work?

A few weeks ago, the Thrive at Work report, which reviews mental health and how it affects workers, revealed that 300,000 people with long term mental health problems lose their job every year. This has resulted in a shift in conversation regarding mental health in...

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What Are The Responsibilities Of A First Aider at Work?

What Are The Responsibilities Of A First Aider at Work?

The role of a first aider in the workplace is to provide immediate medical care that could potentially save lives should an emergency occur on the premises. This is why it's very important that you have trained first aiders on site at all times. The Health and Safety...

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How Can You Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls at Work?

How Can You Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls at Work?

Slips, trips and falls are one of the most common causes of workplace injuries making up 37% of all accidents and resulting in approximately 50 deaths a year. There are many precautions that can be put into place to prevent the chances of slips, trip and falls around...

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What Is Asbestos: Appearance, Dangers, Exposure & More

What Is Asbestos: Appearance, Dangers, Exposure & More

Updated 08/06/2023 Asbestos, a group of naturally occurring minerals, was widely used in buildings for insulation and fireproofing until its ban in 1999 (due to the health issues it was causing). With increased focus on safety and the well-being of all workers in the...

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How To Create and Implement A Fire Safety Procedure At Work

How To Create and Implement A Fire Safety Procedure At Work

Every workplace needs the appropriate assessments and policies in place for any health and safety risks and potentially dangerous situations, and this includes fire safety. In 2015/2016 there were approximately 30,000 workplace fires which injured 2,000 and killed 39...

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What is CHAS?

What is CHAS?

CHAS is a health and safety accreditation scheme that aims to improve health and safety standards across the UK. If you are a contractor and you want to improve business visibility, earn instant trust and gain more clients, then CHAS accreditation is for you! CHAS, or...

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