Manual Handling Risk Assessment

Manual Handling Risk Assessment

£49.99 + VAT

Manual handling activities have major risks attached to them as, when done incorrectly, they can result in long-term physical health problems such as musculoskeletal disorders. That is why a manual handling risk assessment is essential if your employees are going to be carrying out manual handling tasks at work.


If you need help with your purchase or have any questions call our consultant on 0123 747 7931

Please note that this is the preparation of a Manual Handling Risk Assessment, if you are looking for Manual Handling Training please click here.

What Is A Manual Handling Risk Assessment?

Manual handling activities are one of the most common hazards across all types of industries. If you work in a shop you may need to carry heavy boxes to and from the store room, if you work in construction you will need to lift materials, and even if you work in an office you may find yourself carrying, pushing or pulling.

Manual handling is also one of the biggest causes of workplace accidents and injuries, so it's very important that a comprehensive manual handling risk assessment is completed before tasks are carried out.

You will need to identify any manual handling tasks that present a risk, introduce appropriate control measures to reduce this risk and write up your findings if you have five or more employees.
This is where our health and safety experts can help you!

Our professional safety advisors can prepare your written manual handling risk assessment for you so that you can focus on other aspects of your business.

Risk assessments must follow a specific structure and contain certain pieces of information and, seeing as our consultants have a lot of experience in writing up manual handling risk assessments, we can ensure that you meet these standards and impress clients and the HSE with your ability to fulfil your safety duties.

Once you have placed your order, we will be in touch to find out more about your manual handling activities so that we can create a bespoke risk assessment best suited to your business needs including the specific manual handling tasks that will be taking place.

Examples of manual handling activities include:

  • Stacking and unstacking containers
  • Pushing wheeled trolleys
  • Packing products
  • Lifting and carrying boxes

If you have any queries about manual handling risk assessments, then you can speak directly to an advisor on 01237 477 931 or email us at

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