Drugs At Work Poster

Drugs At Work Poster

£10.49 + VAT

Our Drugs at Work poster highlights important information on the misuse of drugs in the workplace. The poster aims to increase awareness of the potential issues and problems associated with the use of drugs at work.

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Drugs at work is a more common issue than you probably realise so it is important the you provide your employees with information regarding the risks of misusing drugs.

This Drugs at Work Poster covers:

  • Misuse of Drugs at Work
  • Signs of Drug Misuse
  • Overdose and Allergic Reaction
  • Drug Classifications and Penalties
  • Prescription Drug Abuse
  • Drugs in the Workplace
  • Information for Employers
  • Helpline

Our drugs at work poster uses simple bullet points, detailed illustrations and reader-friendly text to help workers understand the importance of identifying and managing drug misuse in the workplace.

The post is supplied as a full colour, laminated poster that is suitable for use in all workplaces.

The Drugs at Work Poster 590x420mm.

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
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