CDM Construction Phase Plan (CPP) – Non-Notifiable

CDM Construction Phase Plan (CPP) – Non-Notifiable

£175.00 + VAT

Our health and safety experts can prepare your CDM Construction Phase Plan on your behalf for non-notifiable for any project you need to undertake.

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If you need help with your purchase or have any questions call our consultant on 0123 747 7931

Comprehensive project-specific (bespoke) CDM Construction Phase Plan prepared for use on a specific 'non-notifiable' project, for short duration, low-risk works.

Under CDM 2015, all construction works need a formal Construction Phase Plan regardless of the duration of the works, and this must be prepared by the Principal Contractor, or Sole Contractor on single-contractor projects.

The Construction Phase Plan will be prepared in accordance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 otherwise known as CDM Regulations.

It is a legal requirement for the CDM Construction Phase Plan to be in place BEFORE the start of any construction works on site and it is the Principal Contractors responsibility to ensure that the Construction Phase Plan has been prepared and is in place before starting work.

The Principal Designer will normally assist the client in ensuring that a suitable and sufficient CDM-compliant Construction Phase Plan has been prepared by the Principal Contractor and is in place prior to the start of the Construction Phase.

This Construction Phase Plan applies to low-risk projects with, typically, less personnel on site i.e. less than 10 workers.

Safety Services Direct are Chartered Construction Safety Professionals and Registered CDM Coordinators and have produced hundreds of CDM Construction Phase Plans for contractors all over the UK.

We specialise in helping and assisting small and medium-sized builders, and contractors to comply with their health and safety duties under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 and other associated safety regulations.

If you need a CDM Construction Phase Plan in a hurry, or just do not know where to start, then call us today on 01237 477 931 to find out about our professional Construction Phase Plan writing service where we can quickly and efficiently prepare a professional high-quality Construction Phase Plan for your use, allowing you to start work on site without any unnecessary delays whilst the correct paperwork is being prepared.

Method statement, risk assessments, COSHH assessments and other safety documentation can also be supplied at an additional cost, but they are not included in the price of the Construction Phase Plan.

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