Under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) employers/businesses are expected to report cases of COVID-19 to the HSE, as they would any other disease or illness that an employee has been exposed to in the workplace.
A couple of weeks ago, the HSE issued an update/clarification on when cases of COVID-19 should be reported to them.
To ensure that you have all of the latest information, here is a quick breakdown of everything you need to know…
You must only make a report under RIDDOR (The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013) when:
- An unintended incident at work has led to someone’s possible or actual exposure to coronavirus. This must be reported as a dangerous occurrence
- A worker has been diagnosed as having COVID-19 and there is reasonable evidence that it was caused by exposure at work. This must be reported as a case of disease
- A worker dies as a result of occupational exposure to coronavirus
What to Report
Dangerous occurrences
If something happens at work which results in (or could result in) the release or escape of coronavirus you must report this as a dangerous occurrence. An example of a dangerous occurrence would be a lab worker accidentally smashing a glass vial containing coronavirus, leading to people being exposed.
Cases of disease: exposure to a biological agent
If there is reasonable evidence that someone diagnosed with COVID-19 was likely exposed because of their work, you must report this as an exposure to a biological agent using the case of disease report. An example of a work-related exposure to coronavirus would be a health care professional who is diagnosed with COVID-19 after treating patients with COVID-19.
Work related fatalities
If someone dies as a result of a work-related exposure to coronavirus and this is confirmed as the likely cause of death by a registered medical practitioner, then you must report this as a death due to exposure to a biological agent using the ‘case of disease’ report form. You must report workplace fatalities to HSE by the quickest practicable means without delay and send a report of that fatality within 10 days of the incident.
If you require any assistance with reporting COVID-19, or any other illnesses or incidents to the HSE, then we can provide you with an experienced Health and Safety Consultant who can assist in preparing and filing any reports as part of our Safety Advisory Service (SAS).
For just £295 for the whole year, you will have unlimited access to a fully qualified Health and Safety Consultant who can provide you with expert advice, an annual review of your policy and act as your competent person, fulfilling your legal duty as an employer.
For more information on SAS, call us today on 0121 756 5768 or email info@safetyservicesdirect.com