What is SSIP Accreditation?

To stay on top of the competition in today’s market, accreditation is crucial. And in the world of health and safety, ensuring that your organisation, suppliers and contractors meet the same safety standards is paramount. This is where SSIP Accreditation comes in.  In...

Five Common Mistakes to Avoid in RAMS

In our modern world, where organisations are dynamic hubs where so much happens, risk assessments and method statements are integral to ensuring the safety and efficiency of operations across various industries. At Safety Services Direct, we know how important these...

What Is The ConstructionLine Accreditation?

To thrive in today’s construction industry, businesses need to work towards achieving certain accreditations as they help to demonstrate a business’s compliance with relevant health and safety standards.  One of these top accreditation is ConstructionLine which...

What Is A Risk Assessment & Method Statement?

What is a Risk Assessment? Risk assessments form the cornerstone of UK health & safety legislation and the requirement for organisations to prepare risk assessments are clearly outlined in several health and safety acts and regulations including the HSE. A risk...

Violence in The Workplace

Since the pandemic began, individuals, teams, and entire organisations have been put under more stress than ever. Along with this stress and the changes that the pandemic has caused, there has been a severe spike in violence in the workplace. Not only are physical and...
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